God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10
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5. How are we to understand the death of Jesus as a ransom sacrifice for the world? Explain your answer.
6. What does it mean that Jesus’ death is a propitiation for our sins?
7. In what ways does Jesus’ death parallel for us the meaning of the Passover and substitutionary sacrifice? 8. What are the characteristics of conflict and struggle shown between Jesus’ death and the devil, in other words, in what way did the death of Jesus destroy the devil’s work? 9. How does the death of Jesus reconcile God with his creation and with humankind, even as both have been so dramatically affected by sin and the curse?
Jesus, the Messiah and Lord of All: He Died
Segment 2: Alternate Views on the Meaning of Jesus’ Death
Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
The death of Jesus has been understood in various ways throughout Christian history. These theories of the atonement each focus on a particular dimension of salvation, and taken together they enable us to gain an even greater understanding and appreciation of the significance of Jesus’ death for us. Jesus’ death and its meaning has been viewed as 1) an example, 2) a demonstration of God’s love, 3) a demonstration of God’s justice, 4) a victory over the forces of evil and sin, and 5) a satisfaction of God’s honor. While none of these theories in and of themselves fully explains Jesus’ death, each contains truths which can enhance our understanding of its larger meaning and truth. Our objective for this segment, Alternate Views on the Meaning of Jesus’ Death , is to enable you to see that:
Summary of Segment 2
• The death of Jesus has been understood in various ways throughout Christian history.
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