God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10
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B. The case against the Example view:
1. It ignores all of the Scriptures which point to Jesus’ death as propitiation, sacrifice, ransom, and so on.
2. It ignores the fact that Jesus’ death can be displayed both as sacrificial offering and as an example for us to follow, 1 Pet. 2.21-25.
C. What truth can we glean from this view?
1. Jesus did die as an example for us to follow.
2. We are to be conformed to the death of Jesus for the sake of caring for others and preaching the Good News.
3. We ought never overly simplify Jesus’ misery: he didn’t die metaphorically to teach an object lesson, but personally to redeem us to God, 1 Pet. 3.18.
II. View Two: Jesus’ Death as a Demonstration of God’s Love ( Moral Influence Theory )
My brothers, do not say any evil thing against the One who was crucified. Do not treat with scorn the stripes by which everyone may be healed, even as we [Christians] are healed. ~ Justin Martyr (c. 160, E), 1.268. Ibid. p. 42.
A. Authors and arguments of those who hold the Moral Influence view:
1. Advocates of this view:
a. Peter Abelard
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