God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10
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As usual you ought to come with your reading assignment sheet containing your summary of the reading material for the week. Also, you must have selected the text for your exegetical project, and turn in your proposal for your ministry project.
Other Assignments
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In this lesson, we looked at the humiliation of Jesus Christ in his Incarnation and death. We explored some of the critical dimensions of his death for salvation: as a ransom sacrifice, a propitiation for our sins, as a vicarious or substitutionary offering in our place, as a triumph over Satan’s hold on us through death, and as a reconciliation between God and humankind. Jesus’ death did offer to us an example of our dedication to God, a demonstration of God’s love for us, a demonstration of God’s perfect justice, a victory over the forces of evil and sin, and a satisfaction of God’s honor. No one theory or view can comprehend the majesty and blessing of his death for us. In our next lesson, we will look at the center of Christology and Christian theology, the resurrection of Jesus, as well as the ascension, and his soon return. Praise God for our Savior and Lord, Jesus, who died and rose to bring salvation to the world, and will return soon to establish God’s reign to us. Amen!
Looking Forward to the Next Lesson
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