God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10
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5. How do the Gospel accounts describe the various characteristics of Jesus’ resurrection body? Why is it important to assert that Jesus rose bodily and not merely as a spirit ? Explain your answer. 6. Why is the ascension important for our worship, devotion, and witness of the Lord Jesus? How does the creedal language correspond to the Bible’s teaching about Christ’s current session in heaven? 7. How does Jesus’ headship over the Church relate to his ascension to the Father’s right hand? In the same way, how does his current role as High Priest connect to his ascension? 8. How does Jesus’ current reign in heaven relate to the hope we have that one day he will reign upon the earth? How did Jesus’ ascension give confirmation that he is in fact the coming King from David’s line? 9. How does Jesus’ resurrection and ascension encourage us in our worship and celebration of Christ as Lord of all?
Jesus, the Messiah and Lord of All: He Rose and Will Return
Segment 2: The Return and Coming Reign of Jesus Christ
Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
Three specific statements in the Nicene Creed speak of Jesus’ future work upon earth . First, the Creed asserts that Jesus Christ will return again in glory, which will be dramatic in character and has present significance for our lives and ministry. Next, the Creed affirms that he will come to judge the nations, for all judgment has been given to the Son by the Father. Finally, the Creed confesses that he will reign and his Kingdom will have no end, fulfilling the prophesies of the OT and establishing God’s rule in a new heavens and earth. These three affirmations (i.e., his coming in glory, his judgment of the nations, and his eternal Kingdom) carry significant meaning for our lives and ministries today. Our objective for this segment, The Return and Coming Reign of Jesus Christ , is to enable you to see that:
Summary of Segment 2
• Three specific statements in the Nicene Creed speak of Jesus’ future work upon earth .
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