God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10
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The various aspects and implications of Christ’s exaltation can be comprehended clearly on the basis of two critical salvific events; the resurrection and the ascension of Christ. The resurrection serves as a vindication of Jesus’ Messiahship and sonship, and his ascension grants to our Savior a position of dignity and authority that allows him to fill all things with his glory. The Christ event (i.e., Jesus’ preexistence, life, ministry, death, resurrection, and glory) can be thought of in terms of two movements, a movement of descent (into humiliation), and ascent (into exaltation). The resurrection and ascension are associated directly with Christ’s exaltation and glory. Three specific statements in the Nicene Creed speak of Jesus’ future work upon earth . The Creed asserts that Jesus Christ will return again in glory, which will be dramatic in character and has present significance for our lives and ministry. The Creed also affirms that he will come to judge the nations, for all judgment has been given to the Son by the Father. Finally, the Creed also confesses that Jesus will reign and his Kingdom will have no end, implying that he will finally fulfill the prophesies of the OT, establishing God’s rule in a new heavens and earth. These three affirmations of the Nicene Creed (i.e., his coming in glory, his judgment of the nations, and his eternal Kingdom) carry significant meaning for our lives and ministries today. Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students your questions about the resurrection, ascension, and return of the Lord. This teaching provides us as Christian leaders with the confidence and assurance we need as share the Good News with those who do not know Christ, as well as to grow disciples which we are establishing and equipping in the Church. What questions have come to mind as we have covered this exciting biblical testimony on our Lord’s exaltation and return? Use the questions below to spark your own questions about the implications of the exaltation of Christ for your life and ministry.
Student Application and Implications
* Why is the doctrine of the resurrection so important to the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ ?
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