God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10

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imperiled or lessened. But take away fromChristianity the name and person of Jesus Christ and what have you left? Nothing! The whole substance and strength of the Christian faith centers in Jesus Christ. Without him there is absolutely nothing.

~ Sinclair Patterson in William Evans. The Doctrines of the Bible . Chicago: Moody Press, 1974. p. 53.

3. The study of the person and work of Christ are central to every dimension of Christian faith and practice.


a. Eternal life is knowing the Father and Jesus Christ, John 17.3.

b. The understanding of God and his plan for redemption is exclusively centered in the person of Jesus Christ, 1 John 5.20.

His true significance can be understood only when his relationship to the people in whose midst he was born is understood. In the events that are set in motion in his earthly career, God’s purpose and covenant with Israel is fulfilled. He is the One who comes to do what neither the people of the OT nor their anointed representatives, the prophets, priests, and kings, could do. But they had been promised that One who would rise up in their own midst would yet make good what all of them had utterly failed to make good. In this sense Jesus of Nazareth is the One anointed with the Spirit and power (Acts 10.38) to be the true Messiah or Christ (John 1.41; Rom. 9.5) of his people. He is the true prophet (Mark 9.7; Luke 13.33; John 1.21; 6.14), priest (John 17; Hebrews), and king (Matt. 2.2; 21.5; 27.11), as, e.g., his baptism (Matt. 3.13ff.) and his use of Isaiah 61 (Luke 4.16-22) indicate. In receiving this anointing and fulfilling this messianic purpose, he receives from his contemporaries the titles Christ (Mark 8.29) and Son of David (Matt. 9.27; 12.23; 15.22; cf. Luke 1.32; Rom. 1.3; Rev. 5.5).

~ R. S. Wallace. “Christology.” Elwell’s Theological Dictionary . Electronic ed. Bible Library . Ellis Enterprises, 1998-2001.

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