God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10

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C. Human being and Divine being have been forever united in the One Lord Jesus Christ, John 1.14.

D. Jesus deserves all praise, glory, and adoration as Lord and God, cf. John 20.28 with Phil. 2.9-11.


» Before our Lord Jesus came to earth, he dwelt as a member of the Godhead (Trinity) as the preexistent Word or Logos . » The language of the Nicene Creed, as it explains and illumines the meaning of Scripture, helps us understand Jesus’ divine nature. It agrees with the Bible’s testimony concerning Jesus’ co-equality with God in his attributes and titles. » Jesus is seen as God’s divine Son, the fulfillment of the OT Messianic prophecy, and as the Incarnate, Word of God made flesh, God in human form. The following questions were designed to help you review the material in the second video segment. A proper understanding of the divinity of Jesus Christ is key to our confidence and assurance in our worship of him as our King and Savior, our confidence in him as Lord of the harvest, and our service to him as our King. Despite the common trend to ignore this central doctrine in our teaching and preaching, we must be resolute to carefully consider the meaning of this teaching for our worship and discipleship today. Concentrate on being as careful as possible as you give your answers to the following questions, and support your arguments with Scripture. 1. What is the meaning of the term Logos as applied to Jesus Christ? How does this teaching about Jesus as the preexistent One relate to the Creed’s affirmation of the divinity of Christ? 2. Explain the nature of Jesus’ relationship to God the Father as the “only begotten Son of God?” How is this concept different from Jesus as the “first created” Son of God?


Segue 2

Student Questions and Response

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