God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10

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A fresh new study of Christology can empower urban Christian workers and ministers to better communicate God’s love to humankind, and give more compelling witness to his glorious kingdom promise. The Holy Scriptures teach explicitly that Jesus of Nazareth, before he came to earth, existed as a member of the Godhead, the preexistent Word or Logos . This biblical teaching is heartily affirmed in the Nicene Creed, a central, early ecumenical (universal) creed that confesses the preexistence and deity of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ preexistence and personhood is laid out in three interrelated and important ways in Scripture, first as God the Son, a divine person equal with God, as the Expected One in OT Messianic prophecy, as well as the Incarnate, the Word of God made flesh, God in human form. When either Jesus’ divine and human natures are denied or falsely understood, the resulting teaching is heresy. Two of the central historical heresies regarding Christ’s divinity are Ebionism and Arianism, both of which distort the biblical teaching of Jesus as God’s Son. Understanding, affirming, and celebrating the divinity of Jesus is central to our ongoing worship and discipleship. Confessing the truth of Jesus as God’s Son continues to be significant for every aspect of our faith and witness to the world. Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students your questions about the study of Christ and the concept of the preexistent Son of God coming to earth in the Incarnation. While we cannot possibly plumb the depths of this important teaching on the divinity and preexistence of Jesus Christ, it is highly important as leaders that we seek to do so. As both worshipers of God and witness bearers of the Gospel, we must strive constantly to meditate upon and master the truths regarding Jesus as God’s Son and the Messiah. No truths you will encounter as a Christian leader will strengthen, empower, and direct you more than those that relate to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In light of this, it is critical for us to understand the dimensions of Christ’s divinity, and apply that knowledge to our own discipleship in him. What particular questions do you have in light of the material you have just studied? Maybe some of the questions below might help you form your own, more specific and critical questions.


Student Application and Implications

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