God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10

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In today’s lesson we saw how the Nicene Creed provides a clear and concise summary for our understanding of the person and work of Jesus Christ, defined in two movements, his humiliation (i.e., his becoming human and dying on the cross for our sakes) and his exaltation (his resurrection, ascension, and the hope of his return in power). Coming to earth to reveal God’s glory and redeem creation, Jesus’ preexistence is seen in his position as God the Son, a divine person equal with God, as the Expected One in OT Messianic prophecy, and then as the Incarnate, the Word of God made flesh, God in human form. In our next lesson we will explore with greater intensity the general purpose for Jesus’ coming to earth: to reveal to us the Father’s glory and redeem us from sin and Satan’s power. With a focus on Jesus’ humanity, we will discuss the unity of Jesus’ divine and human nature, look at Jesus as the Baptized One who identified with the plight and peril of the sinners he came to save, the Proclaimer of the Kingdom of God, and the Suffering Servant of Yahweh. In light of this, please make sure that you spend time covering your notes of this weeks lesson and discussion, and focus especially on the main ideas of the lesson. Read the assigned reading, and summarize each reading with no more than a paragraph or two for each. In this summary please give your best understanding of what you think was the main point in each of the readings. Do not be overly concerned about giving detail; simply write out what you consider to be the main point discussed in that section of the book. Please bring these summaries to class next week. (Please see the “Reading Completion Sheet” at the end of this lesson.) the assignments at the end of each lesson in this module. This is especially important seeing as how you will be quizzed on the content (the video content) of this lesson next week .


Looking Forward to the Next Lesson

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