God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10
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4. Jesus is baptized by John, Matt. 3.13-15.
5. God confirms Jesus’ identity and sonship at the baptism, Matt. 3.16-17.
B. The theological implications of Jesus as the Baptized One who identifies with sinners
1. Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT Messianic prophecy.
2. Jesus identifies completely with sinners in his baptism (he was baptized not because of a need to repent, but a desire to empathize with the people of God).
3. Jesus is well able to represent us in his priestly office because of his deep sympathy and love for those who are broken and despised.
a. Heb. 2.14-18
b. Heb. 4.15-5.2
Christ performed all those miracles . . . by the inherent might of His authority. For this was the proper duty of true Divinity, as was consistent with His nature, as was worthy of Him. ~ Arnobius (c. 305, E), 6.425. Ibid. p. 100.
II. Jesus Is the Proclaimer of the Kingdom of God.
A. The biblical portrait of Jesus as the Proclaimer of the Kingdom of God
1. The OT in numerous places asserts God as the King of the universe.
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