God the Son, Mentor's Guide, MG10

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the Holy Spirit been suggesting to you regarding your understanding of the life of Jesus, and how you are living in conjunction with his life today? Is there a particular idea that the Lord has given to you regarding your own life and ministry that you need to apply this week in connection to the principles you have learned here? Is there a particular situation that comes to mind when you think about how God might want to form this teaching in your own walk with God, your relationships with others, or in your teaching and mentoring of other disciples. Lift these and your own questions up to God, asking for his wisdom and help as you explore the connections of these truths and your own life situation today. As in every lesson, it is critical that we solicit the prayer of our brothers and sisters, and our leaders to help us both process and apply the truths of God. God’s truth concerning the doctrine of Christ is for our formation and transformation , not merely for our curiosity and consideration . Prayer activates truth in a way that study cannot do alone. Ask your mentor and/or instructor to pray for you during the week–to apply the truth, to connect with others, and to teach and preach the truths in a new and fresh way in your church and ministry. Pray that the Holy Spirit will enable you to freshly comprehend and apply the life-giving power of the doctrine of Christ–his peerless life and genuine ministry–to others. Ask God to grant you wisdom as you seek to make this teaching come alive, in your own life as well as others. Be confident that he will grant wisdom to us if we only believe (James 1.5).

Counseling and Prayer

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Hebrews 2.14-17

Scripture Memory

To prepare for class, please visit www.tumi.org/books to find next week’s reading assignment, or ask your mentor.

Reading Assignment

Please read carefully the assignments above, and as last week, write a brief summary for them and bring these summaries to class next week (please see the “Reading Completion Sheet” at the end of this lesson).

Other Assignments

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