God the Son, Student Workbook, SW10

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• The various theories of the atonement which have developed in the Church over the centuries each focus on a particular dimension of salvation, and taken together they enable us to gain an even greater understanding and appreciation of the significance of Jesus’ death for us. • Some of the major theories regarding the meaning and implication of Jesus’ death include seeing his death as 1) an example, 2) a demonstration of God’s love, 3) a demonstration of God’s justice, 4) a victory over the forces of evil and sin, and 5) a satisfaction of God’s honor. • While none of these theories in and of themselves fully explains Jesus’ death, each contains truth which can enhance our understanding of its larger meaning and truth.

I. View One: Jesus’ Death Was an Example (Unitarians).

Video Segment 2 Outline

A. Authors and arguments of those who hold Example view:

In no other way could we have learned the things of God, unless our Master, existing as the Word, had become man. For no other being had the power of revealing to us the things of the Father. ~ Irenaeus (c. 180, E/W), 1.526. David W. Bercot, ed. A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs . Peabody, MA: Henrickson Publishers, 1998. p. 43.


1. Faustus and Laelius Socinius, 16th century theologians, and modern-day Unitarians

2. Jesus’ example is our pattern for what it means to have a total love for God, which is needed for salvation.

3. The central biblical text: 1 Pet. 2.21

4. We are inspired by Jesus’ personal sense of sacrifice and love; this level of love which Jesus shows can be done by all of us–it is possible.

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