God the Son, Student Workbook, SW10

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2. Purely logical argument: claims made and other arguments given which flow from those claims

3. It inflates the meaning of God’s love at the expense of his holiness.

C. What truth can we glean from this view?

1. Jesus’ death did affect for him the rulership of the universe, Rom. 14.7-9.

2. The power of Satan’s dominion has been shattered through the death of Jesus Christ, Heb. 2.14.

3. Unbiblical views which offer no scriptural understanding will never be able to explain adequately the meaning of Jesus’ death, Isa. 8.20.


IV. View Four: Jesus’ Death as a Victory over the Forces of Sin and Evil ( Ransom Theory )

In the last times, the Son was made a man among men, and He re-formed the human race. However, He destroyed and conquered man’s enemy. So He gave to His handiwork victory against the adversary. ~ Irenaeus (c. 180, E/W), 1.495. Ibid. p. 43.

A. Authors and arguments of those who hold the Ransom view:

1. Advocates of this view:

a. Early Church father, Origen; (his view dominated the earliest perspective of the Church; because of this early belief, it is called the “classic view”)

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