God the Son, Student Workbook, SW10

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Jesus, the Messiah and Lord of All: He Rose and Will Return

Segment 1: The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

The various aspects and implications of Christ’s exaltation can be comprehended clearly on the basis of two critical salvific events; the resurrection and the ascension of Christ. The resurrection serves as a vindication of Jesus’ Messiahship and sonship, and his ascension grants to our Savior a position of dignity and authority that allows him to fill all things with his glory. The Christ event (i.e., Jesus’ preexistence, life, ministry, death, resurrection, and glory) can be thought of in terms of two movements, a movement of descent (into humiliation), and ascent (into exaltation). The resurrection and ascension are associated directly with Christ’s exaltation and glory. Our objectives for this segment, The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ , is to enable you to see that: • The various aspects and implications of Christ’s exaltation can be comprehended clearly on the basis of two critical salvific events; the resurrection and the ascension of Christ. • The resurrection serves as a vindication of Jesus’ Messiahship and sonship, and his ascension grants to our Savior a position of dignity and authority that allows him to fill all things with his glory. • The Christ event (i.e., Jesus’ preexistence, life, ministry, death, resurrection, and glory) can be thought of in terms of two movements, a movement of descent (into humiliation), and ascent (into exaltation). The resurrection and ascension are associated directly with Christ’s exaltation and glory.

Summary of Segment 1


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