God the Son, Student Workbook, SW10
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e. Jesus compares his resurrection to Jonah’s time in the great fish, Matt. 12.40.
f. Jesus explains his suffering and glory to the disciples and the Apostles after his resurrection.
(1) Luke 24.26
(2) Luke 24.46
g. Peter’s explanation of Psalm 16 as biblical prophecy of Jesus’ resurrection, Acts 2.25-32
C. The nature of Jesus’ resurrection body
We profess our belief that [the flesh of Christ] is sitting at the right hand of the Father in heaven. And we further declare that it will come again from there in all the grandeur of the Father’s glory. It is, therefore, just as impossible for us to say that [his flesh] was abolished, as it is for us to maintain that it was sinful. ~ Tertullian (c. 210, W), 3.535. Ibid. p. 559.
1. His body was an actual corporeal body, neither a phantom nor ghost.
a. It could be touched and handled, John 20.20.
b. It bore the marks of his suffering and crucifixion, John 20.24-29.
c. He could eat food and have nourishment (food and drink), Luke 24.41-43.
2. His body had properties which go beyond our present natural bodies.
a. Jesus appeared in the midst of the Apostles behind barred doors, John 20.19.
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