God the Son, Student Workbook, SW10
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This focus raises serious questions about the nature of Christ, of Christian discipleship, and the present and ongoing validity of some of the primary images and symbols of the Christian life: the cross, the altar, the blood, the Lamb. This focus on prosperity and blessing applies with great intensity certain select texts, all of which tend to emphasize the “triumphant crown wearing” side of Christian discipleship over against the “humble cross bearing” side. How would you suggest we begin to understand the differences in emphasis, and how does Jesus as our Suffering Servant help us understand what God’s will might be for us in the Church today?
Jesus, the Messiah and Lord of All: He Lived
Segment 1: Christ’s Human Nature
Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
Jesus appeared on earth as a man to reveal to humankind the Father’s glory and redeem us from sin and Satan’s power. Jesus was fully human, conceived by the Holy Spirit and carried to birth by the Virgin Mary. Two ancient heresies contested Jesus’ becoming a human being: Nestorianism—that Christ was two distinct persons, and Eutychianism—that Christ has one blended nature. The Councils of Nicea (325) and Chalcedon (381) settled these questions, and affirmed that Jesus was fully God and fully human. Additional errors misread the meaning of Jesus’ humanity: Docetism which asserted that Jesus was not human and Apollinarianism which asserted that Jesus was not fully human . Jesus, however, is fully human and can represent us perfectly before God as our high priest, mediator, and new pattern for glorified humanity as our Second Adam. • The general purpose for Jesus’ coming to earth was to reveal to us the glory of God the Father in his person, as well as to redeem humankind from the penalty and power of sin and Satan. • The Scriptures teach the full and certain humanity of Jesus of Nazareth, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the woman, the Virgin Mary. Our objective for this segment, Christ’s Human Nature , is to enable you to see that:
Summary of Segment 1
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