Guard the Good Deposit

30 • Guard the Good Deposit: The Great Tradition for the Whole Church

Come, Holy Spirit: The Spirit of Life, Our Helper

The Great Tradition depends entirely on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God lives in us, uniting us across space and time. Through the power of the indwelling Spirit, the Church is enabled to know God, experience his restoration, represent Christ, and proclaim his victory to all people everywhere.

Your Word Is Truth: The Holy Bible, Our Scripture

The Great Tradition makes clear that the Scriptures alone are God’s Word. Through the prophets and apostles, God has given a final record of his mighty saving acts in history, and the promise of his future kingdom work. The Holy Spirit, who inspired the Scriptures, illumines them for the Church, revealing Jesus as their center, theme, and subject. Through them, he also gives the Church sustaining spiritual food.

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