Healing the Wounds of Trauma


1. Two stories of conflict

A. Church conflict Act out this skit spontaneously. Choose someone to be Peter and have him read Acts 6.1–7. He should be prepared to say, “Stop! It’s not right for us to stop studying and preaching God’s word in order to distribute food. So, choose some wise men to put in charge of this problem.” Read the script aloud or use your own words to direct the skit. Do not explain to anyone else what the story is about. In a large church in the capital city, trouble was brewing. This church was known for taking care of the widows in the congregation. At this time there were two groups of widows, and both groups were good Christians. The first group of widows had always lived in the homeland. (Choose a group of people and send them to one side to look like sad wid- ows.) Every day, the church sent some workers to give these widows food and the other things they needed. (Choose a group of people to carry food and clothes to the widows. The widows should look happy.) The second group of widows was made up of women who were displaced by war and had lived in another country so long that they no longer spoke their own language. (Choose a group of people to be the second group of widows. Put them at a distance from the first group. They should act like sad widows as well.) The church sent them food as well. (Have another group of people start taking food and clothes to them). One day the widows who used to live abroad started complaining that they were getting less food than the widows who had always lived


How Can We Live as Christians in the Midst of Conflict?

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