Healing the Wounds of Trauma

C. People have broken into a supermarket. A friend says, “Let’s take some food!” Your family is hungry. How should you respond? Read Exodus 20.15, Romans 13.1–5 and 8–10, andMatthew 6.25–34 and 7.7–11. 1. In Exodus 20.15, what are we commanded not to do? 2. What reasons are given in Romans 13 for not stealing? 3. What can Matthew 6 help us realize when we are in need? 4. What does Matthew 7 tell us to do when we are in need? In the chaos after a disaster, people may think no one will notice if they steal, but God sees what they do. If everyone starts stealing, order breaks down and chaos increases, causing more suffering. 6. What are some general points that may help? 1. Do not panic in the face of danger but quickly say a short prayer (Lk 12.12). 2. Memorize Scripture passages beforehand that will help in these difficult situations. 3. Cooperate with other Christians. Work together for every- one’s safety. Especially protect children and the elderly.


As we look into the future, no one can know what will happen. Even if we plan ahead, we can never be sure how we will behave in a crisis. But we do know God wants us to prepare and will be with us, even in pain and suffering. Share your hopes and fears for the future, and pray for each other and for your community.


Looking Ahead

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