Healing the Wounds of Trauma

3. What is the origin of suffering in the world? ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION What do the Scriptures tell us about the origin of suffering in the world? The Scriptures tell us: A. Satan rebelled against God and tries to get others to rebel. Satan rebelled against God, and he wants to get as many people as he can to rebel against God (Lk 22.31; 1 P 5.8–9). He is a liar and murderer (Jn 8.44). Those who obey him lie, kill, and destroy. B. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. God created people with the freedomto choose good or evil. Adamand Eve are the ancestors of all people. They chose to disobey God. When they did, evil and death entered the world (Gn 3.1–24). All people, Christians and non-Christians, experience the effects of Adam and Eve’s disobedience (Ro 5.12).

C. God gives all of us the freedom to choose whether we will obey him or not.

We all have the freedom to choose good or evil. God is grieved when we choose to do bad things, but he lets us make our own choices (Mt 23.37b, Ro 3.10–18). Sometimes, even though we obey God, we suffer because of other people’s evil choices (1 P 2.20–22; 3.14–17).

4. How does God use suffering? ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION

1. How has God used suffering in your life? 2. Think of a Scripture passage that relates to the way God has used suffering in your life.


If God Loves Us, Why Do We Suffer?

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