Healing the Wounds of Trauma

2. What is a wound of the heart? Our hearts can be wounded when we are overwhelmed with intense fear, helplessness, or horror in the face of death. A. A heart wound is like a physical wound. ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION 1. Think of a physical wound: How does it heal? What helps it heal? 2. How is a wound of the heart like a physical wound? Copy the information from the left column of this chart on a black- board or a large piece of paper (in advance, if possible). Then, as a large group, discuss the ways a heart wound is similar to a physical wound and fill in the right column.

Physical Wound

Heart Wound

It is invisible, but shows up in the person’s behavior.

It is visible.

It is painful, and must be treated with care. It is painful, and must be treated with care. If ignored, it is likely to get worse. If ignored, it is likely to get worse. It must be cleaned to remove any foreign objects or dirt. The pain has to come out. If there is any sin, it must be confessed.

If a wound heals on the surface with infection still inside, it will cause the person to become very sick. Only God can bring healing, but he often uses people and medi- cine to do so.

If people pretend their emotional wounds are healed when really they are not, it will cause the person greater problems. Only God can bring healing, but he often uses people and an understanding of how our emo- tions heal to do so.

If not treated, it attracts flies.

If not treated, it attracts sin.


How Can the Wounds of Our Hearts Be Healed?

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