Healing the Wounds of Trauma

he just kept quiet. Finally she gave him a piece of paper and mark- ers and asked him to draw something. He drew a picture of violent fighting, with a small boy stabbing a large man. Chris’s caring and persistent ways finallymade it possible for Kevin to describe the scene that lead to his separation from his mother. He didn’t start crying until he described what had happened to his little sister. Then he sobbed uncontrollably for a long time. With Chris’s patience and reassurance, he felt safe to share the details of his story. And little by little he began to feel better. ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION 1. How did Kevin behave before, during, and after that evening? 2. Why do you think his behavior changed? 3. How do adults usually react to children like Kevin? Do you think these reactions are helpful? 2. How do children who have experienced bad things behave? ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION Do you know any children who have experienced bad things? How do they behave? When children experience bad things, they are affected inmany ways. Many of these are different from the ways adults react. A. Their emotions are affected. • They may become fearful. Small children may cling to their parents. They may be afraid of strangers or of the dark. They may fear something bad will happen again. They may be afraid to go to school. • They may become angry and aggressive. Small children may fight with their playmates more than before. Older children may rebel against their parents and teachers more than before. • They may become sad. Even though a child is very sad, such as after someone dies, it is normal for him to stay sad for a while, and then play for a while.


How can we help children who have experienced bad things?

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