Healing the Wounds of Trauma

the victim begins to feel unable to live without the abuser, and may live for the times of calm and making up. Even if victims leave the abuser, often they return. ❂❂ EXERCISE: TRUE OR FALSE? Read these statements aloud and have each person mark down his or her response. Then go over each statement and discuss it. 1. Violence within the home is a private family matter. 2. Alcohol and drugs are the main causes of domestic violence. 3. A victim enjoys being abused. 4. A victim could stop the abuse if she or he really tried. 5. Often, the abuse stops without help from others. 6. Someone who is violent towards a partner will be violent towards others. (Key on page 68) 1. What does your culture teach about domestic abuse? Do you have any proverbs about this? For example, “if you don’t beat your wife, she has you in her pocket.” 2. Look up these verses and compare them with what your culture teaches about domestic abuse: 1 Peter 3.7 Genesis 1.26–27 Ephesians 5.21–30 1 Corinthians 13.4–7 Colossians 3.19 Ephesians 4.29–32 3. Are there Scripture passages that people in your community use to justify domestic abuse? If yes, what are they and what do they say? Be sure to read the whole passage! God created people in his image, sowemust treat everyone with respect. When people get married, they vow to love and cherish each other. If a person abuses his or her spouse, they have broken that vow. The other person cannot fix the relationship on his or her own. 3. What does your culture and the Bible say about domestic abuse? ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION


Domestic Abuse

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