Healing the Wounds of Trauma

Ask for responses from the group, and then add anything below that has not already been stated: Every case is different, but often people commit suicide when they have lost all hope for their life. Sometimes they seem to be happy and are active with friends and family, but inside they may be hiding something that is so shameful they don’t dare tell anyone.They come to a point where they feel suicide is the only option to stop their pain. Some people commit suicide because they feel their loved ones would be better offwithout them. Others, however, commit suicide as a way of punishing those around them. One suicide can often lead to another. People who have attempted suicide before, or who have a family member who has done so, are much more likely to commit suicide.

4. Desperate people in the Bible ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION

Have each small group read one of the passages below about people in difficult situations. Discuss what you know about the main characters. What were they feeling? What did they do? What impact did their actions have on others?



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