Healing the Wounds of Trauma

1. Abstinence: “I’ll never do that again. I’m strong!” 2. Trigger: something triggers their desire for their addiction. This could happen when they’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. It might even happen after they celebrate how long they have abstained from the addiction. 3. Small decisions: they do something really small that opens the door to the addiction again. They feel they can withstand the temptation, or that they deserve this little thing. 4. Acting on the desire: they yield to the addiction again and it takes over. 5. Guilt and penance: they feel badly and try to do good things to make up for yielding to the temptation.

6. Abstinence: they go around the cycle again. The good news is that an addict can stop the cycle!

4. What does the Bible say about addictions? ❂❂ SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION

Have each table group look up one of the passages below and report back to the large group on how it addresses addictions. James 1.13–15 Ephesians 4.22–24 Colossians 3.1–3 Romans 6.11–13 2 Corinthians 10.3–5 1 Corinthians 10.13 To help people address an addiction, focus on what they are thinking rather than on what they are doing. The Bible teaches that it is our thoughts that lead to desires. These desires can be harmful and lead to addictions. Once an addiction is formed, it is very difficult to stop. Addicts need to focus their thoughts on God so that their thoughts can be renewed and they can find a way out of the cycle. God can help them so that their desires no longer master them. God can also give them hope that one day they will be free.



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