Healing the Wounds of Trauma
T his book is designed for use in groups—in equipping sessions to train church leaders as trauma healing facilitators who in turn equip others, and in healing groups to help those wounded by trauma. To initiate a trauma healing ministry in an area, top leaders of churches and organizations are convened to help them understand the need for trauma healing, to introduce the program, and to invite them to integrate it into their ministries. Once there is high-level support for the program, an equipping session is organized for lead- ers from as many churches as possible. These are the people who can train others so that the teaching can permeate an area (2 Ti 2.2). After the initial equipping session, participants start to use what they have learned in their communities by leading healing groups. They return for an advanced session where they report on their experiences, increase their teaching and listening skills, and plan long-term trauma healing programs for their communities with a goal of providing trauma care for all those in their area who need it. About the lessons Lessons 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 are the core lessons, and should always be covered. Lesson 1 discusses questions about God that come when there is great suffering. Lesson 2 helps us to recognize that wounds of the heart need to be cared for in the same way that physical wounds need to be cared for.These two lessons are longer than the others and, with the listening exercise and the art exercise at the end of Lesson 2, can take a full day. Lesson 3 describes the process of grief that allows us to be healed from trauma and loss. The lament exercise at the end of this lesson should be done as a separate session. Lessons 4–8 cover special topics:
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