It Is Well with My Soul: The Sacred Roots Annual 2022-2023
T he S eason of L ent
WEEK 17 F ourth S unday in L ent March 19 - 25, 2023
The Lenten Season, a forty-day period starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Saturday of Holy Week, calls us to reflect on Jesus’s suffering, crucifixion, and death. As disciples of the humble Nazarene, we embrace his lowliness and humility, seeking to share the mind of himwho was obedient to death, even death on a cross.
THIS WEEK’S THEME Jesus, the Light of theWorld, John 9.1-41
After declaring himself to be the very light of the world, Jesus demonstrated that claim with the dramatic healing of the man who had been born blind. He testified that he came into this world in order that those who do not see may come to see, and that those claiming to see might be made blind. Only the Lord Jesus can enable those who once were spiritually blind and in darkness come to receive the true light, to regain spiritual sight in him.
D aily D evotional G uide P reparing O ur H earts Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation
God of all creation, who made the eyes and ears of humankind, cause us who have been blinded by sin to see the light through the gift you have given to us through the Lord Jesus Christ. In him, we who have been born spiritually blind can see again, and we who have walked our whole lives in darkness may receive the light of life. Shine through us today. In Jesus’s name we pray, amen.
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