It Is Well with My Soul: The Sacred Roots Annual 2022-2023
T he O bservance of H oly W eek
M onday of H oly W eek April 3, 2023
Holy Week recalls the events of our Lord’s suffering and death. We recall his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, his giving of the commandments on Maundy Thursday, his crucifixion and burial on Good Friday, and the solemn vigil of Saturday night before Easter Sunday.
TODAY’S THEME For the Day of My Burial, John 12.1-11
Six days before his final Passover, Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus lived, and at dinner Mary anointed his feet with expensive ointment, wiping his feet with her hair. While Judas protested that such ointment could have been sold and the proceeds given to the poor, Jesus affirmed her gracious act, for he said that she kept the ointment for the day of his burial. For while they might always do alms for the poor who would continually be with them, they would not always have him in their midst.
D aily D evotional G uide P reparing O ur H earts Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation
O Lord God, whose dear and blessed Son was anointed by his disciple Mary for the day of his burial, grant us a similar heart to sacrifice our best and most costly gifts and possessions for the sake of his name. For Christ’s sake, amen.
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