It Is Well with My Soul: The Sacred Roots Annual 2022-2023
T he O bservance of H oly W eek
D eparting to S erve Benediction
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior of the world, thank you so much for yielding yourself without qualification or condition to the Father’s will, for in your obedience and sacrifice we have been won and granted eternal life. Now, reproduce in us that same mind and heart that caused you to obey your Father wholeheartedly, to the very end. In your name we pray, amen. Affirmation for the Day Tuesday of Holy Week: Through the Cross, Jesus defeated the evil one and became the source of life and salvation to all humankind. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day Take our lives and let them be consecrated, Lord, to thee, even unto death.
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