It Is Well with My Soul: The Sacred Roots Annual 2022-2023
T he P assion of C hrist
F or Y our W eekly J ourney
Weekly Reflection on It IsWell with My Soul First, the wonder of God demands our worship of Him. God is supernatural; He was not created. He was the Cause; we, the effect. God is spirit, so He cannot be contained in or restricted by any manmade edifice. He is free tomove as He wills and dwell where He chooses. And He chooses to dwell with us, His created. This should arouse the human heart to praise Him. Second, the work of God demands our worship of Him. His work in Creation is beyond our comprehension, and through it, He demonstrated His redemptive plan. In Genesis, He said, “Let there be light,” thus bringing the universe fromdarkness to illumination. His plan of redemption brings man fromdarkness to illumination; that is, from ignorance to understanding of Him. Through Creation, we can know God and be recipients of all of His benefits—including our redemption!
~ Vernon Whaley, Called to Worship: The Biblical Foundations of Our Response to God’s Call . Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2009. Location 12, 13.
Let God Arise! Seasonal Focus But If It Dies , John 12.20-36
Book Reading Whaley, Called to Worship
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