It Is Well with My Soul: The Sacred Roots Annual 2022-2023


T he S eason from E aster to P entecost

WEEK 25 S ixth S unday of E aster May 14 - 20, 2023

For forty days after his resurrection, Jesus revealed himself alive to his disciples. On the fortieth day, he ascended to heaven to take his place as Lord and Christ at God’s right hand. Ten days after this, on the fiftieth day after his resurrection, he would send to us the promise of the Father – the Holy Spirit, the pledge of our salvation. Here we ponder the wonder of God’s working, from Easter Sunday to the Spirit’s descent at Pentecost. THIS WEEK’S THEME The Judge of theWorld, Acts 17.22-31 On Mars Hill in Athens, Paul preached one of his most famous sermons concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, identifying his God and Father as the “Unknown God” the Atheneans had been worshiping unaware. In his address Paul reviews for his audience God’s true works in the past, who acted as creator of the universe, the maker of the nations, and source of human life, his offspring. He declared his works of the present, i.e., his desire to save all people, reaching out to humankind, calling all to repent and to turn from their idols to serve the living and true God. And finally, he announced God’s work for the future, where one day he will judge the world through the One whom he has chosen, Jesus of Nazareth, whom he raised up from the dead. In the sovereign plan of God, the Father has determined a day when he will weigh the actions of the world through his Son, the very one whom he elected as King and Judge, who is alive forevermore.

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