It Is Well with My Soul: The Sacred Roots Annual 2022-2023

T he B irth of C hrist


C hristmas E ve December 24, 2022


Christmas celebrates the birth of Messiah, Jesus, who is the incarnation of the Son of God, Mary’s child. He is the Wordmade flesh, the conqueror who enters this fallen world to reveal to us the Father’s love, to destroy the devil’s work, and to redeem his people from their sins.

TODAY’S THEME O Come Let Us Adore Him, Luke 2.1-14

On that holy night when Jesus was born, the angels announced to the shepherds that he indeed was the world’s Messiah and Lord. On the very day of his birth to Mary in Bethlehem (called the city of David), Jesus was proclaimed as the world’s true Savior, Christ the Lord. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, this lowly peasant child inspired the heavenly choirs to acknowledge his glory. With a joyful celestial shout they exclaimed, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Jesus, the child of Mary, is the Christ, the Savior of the world.

D aily D evotional G uide P reparing O ur H earts Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation

O God, who makest us glad with the yearly remembrance of the birth of thine only Son Jesus Christ: Grant that as we joyfully receive him for our redeemer, so we may with sure confidence behold himwhen he shall come to be our judge, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God world without end. Amen.

~ England Revised Prayer Book. In JohnWallace Suter, Jr. ed. The Book of English Collects . NewYork, NY: Harper, 1940. p. 78.

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