Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Jesus Cropped from the Picture
themselves “postevangelicals.” 102 They desire a faith that is authentic, relevant, and permeates their actions. They crave “deeds, not creeds,” and are antagonistic to Rationalistic or commercialized expressions of faith. 103 Personal Salvation versus Missional Ethics In an effort to separate from the shallowness of privatized faith, some Emergings believe that emphasis on “personal salvation” can be a distraction that should be avoided. Instead, Emergings attempt to shift the attention from Jesus’ work on the cross to Jesus’ teachings and example , especially the Sermon on the Mount. 104 They believe the life and teachings of Jesus (which they call being “missional”) offer a fresher and more authentic set of ethics. This missional approach is so paramount that they sometimes speak as though “the Kingdom” is synonymous with “missional.” In some respects, the Emergings’ passion for missional ethics has replaced the Traditionals’ priority for personal holiness . The Emergings’ focus on being missional is admirable, but can in- advertently crop Jesus from the picture by minimizing the cross and the other works of Christ. Christ’s missional teachings can become the new “one-dimensional approach” to Christianity. Michael Horton said, “When the focus of mission and ministry is on our kingdom living rather than on the one who brought and brings his own kingdom, ushering us and our hearers into it through his gospel, Christ-as-example can just as effectively replace Christ-as-Savior at least in practice.” 105
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