Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Frontier Revivalism and the Marketing Concept put the individual’s salvation, inner life, and consumer needs at the forefront of faith, making the Rescue the new SUBJECT , relegating Christ as the OBJECT:
Multiple aspects of Christ’s saving work Narrative and rational Christ ( SUBJECT ) Church ( OBJECT ) The whole Bible Transcendent scope/depth
One dimensional view of the atonement Rational only The Rescue ( SUBJECT ) Christ ( OBJECT )
With the Traditional Method, the rich Story of Christ was reduced to a Rationalistic Bible and the Cross (for personal salvation). With the Pragmatic Method, the Bible was abbreviated to become a consumer owner’s manual, and Christianity was packaged in easy-to-understand messages that would attract non-believers to faith in Christ. The individual became the new SUBJECT , replacing “the Rescue,”and the Church became obsolete:
Multiple aspects of Christ’s saving work Narrative and rational Christ ( SUBJECT ) Church ( OBJECT ) The whole Bible Transcendent scope/depth
One dimensional view of the atonement Rational only Individual ( SUBJECT )
Christ ( OBJECT ) Abbreviated Bible
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