Jesus Cropped from the Picture

The Satisfying End of My Journey

Roots consolidates Christians into a common identity. Personal choice gives way to common identity .

Every affinity group within the church can be “unsegmented” by re-orienting around “the Story.” Each Christian can pledge allegiance to the Story, trumping their loyalty to their affinity group. They can understand their identity in light of the Story revealed in the Great Tradition. In other words, all Christians must see themselves as People of the Story (1 Pet. 2.9-10). This is the Story given in the Great Tradition, a gift to the Church Universal, through the Scriptures, summarized in the Creeds, and understood through the lens of the Ancient Rule of Faith, achieved by Christus Victor, so the gospel goes to all nations, for the fulfillment of God’s purposes . The Story, expressed in the Great Tradition, has been given to the Church by the Holy Spirit. It is not invented—it is entrusted to God’s people and God expects his followers to submit themselves to it. This is the Story around which all Christians, traditions, denominations, and affinity groups must orient their lives. To defy the Great Tradition is to be outside Christian faith. 118

Although Americans cannot escape a self-oriented culture, they do not have to be governed by the Marketing Concept . Churches can choose to be People of the Story by refusing the cultural pressure of target marketing.


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