Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Jesus Cropped from the Picture
A Multi-Dimensional View of Atonement The People of the Story can reject the pressure to choose among any of the one-dimensional views of the atonement, most of which are shaped by cultural attempts to contextualize the gospel. The various one-dimensional views of the atonement are too small to capture the fullness of Jesus’ work when each is considered by itself. Those who are shaped by Sacred Roots recognize all the multiple victories of Christus Victor: his incarnation, triumph over temptation, miracles of exorcism and healing, sinless life and example, authoritative com- missioning of the apostles, death, resurrection, ascension, current intercession, and future return. While the Cross is still Jesus’ central, crowning achievement, the other aspects of Christ’s victory over the powers of evil should not minimized, but celebrated. The Great Tradition understanding is that all of the great works of Christ are part of a single action to destroy the works of the devil. The Story is rooted in Christ’s determination to win back what was lost at the fall by putting the adversary away forever. Once that overarching theme is understood, the various aspects of the atonement can be appreciated without having to choose one as more important than another.
The picture can be restored by renewing an appreciation for a narrative view of the Scriptures and celebrating the multiple acts of atoning heroism carried out by the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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