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Sacred Roots: No Nostalgia, No Antagonists
Islam or the cults. They encourage vigorous debate with those inside and outside the Christian faith, but not from the standpoint of despair, but rather with the Kingdom’s posture of “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14.17).” The reason for this confidence is the inevitability of God’s future victory (Matt. 16.18). All cultures, traditions, and philosophies will one day be subsumed or destroyed by “the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ. And he shall reign forever and ever (Rev. 11.15).” Pastors need not fear a decline in church attendance, a flagging budget, nor losing prestige among their peers. When Christians focus on the continuing victory of Christ, there is no need for insecurity, because the People of the Story are overcomers (Rom. 8.37-39). The Real Antagonists Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world (John 18.36), so the antagonists in the Story are not flesh and blood, but the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of darkness (Eph. 6.12). Christians resist the devil 122 and his oppressive kingdom which sets itself against the Kingdom of God. The devil is a real adversary with nefarious plots against Christ and his creation. All of the many wicked atrocities of genocide, child prostitution, torture, and terrorism have been designed by Satan and his minions. In addition to the devil, the Bible also spells out two other sources of evil and pain: the world 123 and the flesh. 124 The world is the fallen system of nature and humanity that wreaks havoc, misery, and toil on the universe. People get sick and die. Equipment and homes fall into disrepair. People
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