Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Sacred Roots: No Nostalgia, No Antagonists

Kingdom advances, the forces of evil will only intensify their futile attempts to destroy it.” 128 Jesus himself commanded his people to be faithful, even to the point of death (Rev. 2.10). There are no guarantees that Christians will be exempt from trouble, hardship, divisions, persecution, or even martyrdom (Rom. 8.35). In fact, the New Testament promises his people should expect every kind of trial (James 1.2, 1 Thess. 3.2-3). Therefore, Christianity is not a formula that ensures success and blessing. John White said, “Of course you may get wounded in battle! Of course you may get knocked off your feet! But it is the man or woman who gets up and fights again that is a true warrior. There is no place for giving up. The warfare is so much bigger than your personal humiliations. To feel sorry for oneself is totally inappropriate. Over such a soldier I would pour a bucket of icy water. I would drag him to his feet, kick him in the rear end and put his sword in his hand and shout,‘Now fight!’” 129 Say It Ain’t So! One may hope to avoid spiritual conflict, but that is wishful thinking. In the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers , Aragorn admonished King Theoden to muster his troops for battle against the invading army. When Theoden hesitated, not wanting to risk open war, Aragorn wisely admonished him that open war was upon him , whether Theoden liked it or not.

Some people wish to deny the devil’s existence. Others feel un- comfortable with the idea of confronting the influence of his kingdom (devil, world, flesh). They may think, “Perhaps if we do not


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