Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Jesus Cropped from the Picture

identity to the infant. This process, reinforced by hundreds of encounters with people in the church throughout childhood, cements an identity based on the Church’s Sacred Roots .

The roots of identity deepen through dozens of sidewalk conversations, fellowship activities, retreats, and shared meals. Becoming People of the Story is developed slowly over time in relationship with one another, not formally launched as a program or initiative. Once this process of identity begins to take root, Christians must continually remind one another that the Story is the center, not the individual . Such re-orientation must be done in community because of the human tendency to forget. One of the primary duties of a pastor is the ministry of “remembrance.” The goal of Activity evaluation is to integrate personal and community faith around the Story of Christ and his Kingdom . Before bored Christians can be restored to vibrant faith, all activities, programs, and strategies must align with the Kingdom Story so Jesus regains his place as the SUBJECT . Difficult decisions will have to be made with sensitivity and love, making sure unity is maintained so the enemy cannot gain a foothold through division. However, church leaders need to be bold and courageous to ensure Jesus is not cropped from the picture. Activity evaluation is an effective way to begin the process of forming the church’s identity as People of the Story . Although these approaches will not ensure increased church attendance or balanced budgets, they will promote Christ as the prominent figure in the church’s life, leading to deeper faithfulness and commitment to him.


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