Jesus Cropped from the Picture
More Identity, Less Method
Narrative Approach In order to be effective in cross-cultural mission, Traditionals must broaden their Rationalistic view of the Scriptures to include an appreciation for hearing the Bible as Story. Sometimes Traditionals equate Christian maturity to a SLIM (Linguistic-Mental) educational style, mislabeling New Testament churches as “learning communities.” However, during most of its history the Church has learned about Christ through story-telling and metaphor, so a cognitive approach to the Bible must not be the primary means to disciple believers. Traditionals with a heart for the Great Commission must be sensitive to cultures who process information in a narrative way. View of the Atonement The Traditionals’ one-dimensional view of the atonement, focusing on Jesus’ work on the cross, can be retained as the central achievement of Jesus’s life. The good news is, there is even more to celebrate besides the cross (for personal salvation). The Christus Victor view, rejoicing in all the victories Christ brought against the kingdom of the powers of evil, releases Traditionals to worship Jesus in even more meaningful ways. Embracing the Pre-Reformation Another challenge will be the acceptance of anything pre-Reformation, without lessening an appreciation for the Reformation era. It is sometimes difficult to realize the Roman Catholic Church pre-dated Protestantism, and the Great Tradition came before the Roman Catholic Church. For many Traditionals, there is not much of value between the Biblical era and the Reformation. Traditionals miss a
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