Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Jesus Cropped from the Picture

129 White, John. The Fight , page 222.

130 Ibid., pages 224-225.

131 DeYoung and Hurty. Beyond the Obvious , page 212.

132 Foster, Richard. Streams of Living Water. New York: HaperCollins Publishers, 1998. 133 While worship is expressed in narrow terms here, worship should be understood to encompass all aspects of individual and community life, whether it is theology, discipleship, outreach, or worship (in the narrow sense). Everything should be done for the glory of God and to defeat the adversary’s kingdom. 134 Brown, Brad. “Out on a Limb!” (sermon, Emmanuel Church, Burbank, CA, August 9, 2009).

135 Davis, Don. com_content&view=article&id=706&Itemid=691.

136 Webber, Robert. Ancient Future Faith , pages 179, 185.

137 Jethani, Skye. The Divine Commodity , page 186.

138 Wells, David. The Courage to be Protestant , page 227.

139 Jim Belcher’s book, Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009) is a wonderful expression of a desire for a return to the Great Tradition. However, his subtitle suggests the Great Tradition as another method to resolve differences between Emergings and Traditionals in dominant-culture America. A commitment to the Church’s Sacred Roots should not be seen as a method to resolve a particular sub-cultural situation, but rather is an attempt to retrieve the Great Tradition for the purposes of forming every congregation (in all cultures worldwide) into the People of the Story .

140 Gibbs, Eddie and Ryan Bolger. Emerging Churches , page 219.

141 Ibid., p. 223.

142 Belcher, Jim. Deep Church , pages 133, 153.

143 Murphy, Ed. The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare , page 521.

144 Webber, Robert. Ancient Future Faith, pages 13-34.


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