Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Jesus Cropped from the Picture

resurrection dealt a crippling blow to the powers of evil. The Kingdom is now here (Matt. 12:28).

However, there are still many knees that have not bowed, nor tongues confessed, to the Kingship of Jesus (Phil. 2.10-11). Until that happens, the Kingdom is not fully consummated. There is still work to be done before Jesus returns to obliterate the kingdom of this world. The Kingdom is also “not-yet.” Jesus’ Favorite Topic Most scholars agree that the Kingdom of God was Jesus’ favorite topic. He refers to the Kingdom 130 times in the gospels. There are many excellent ways to explore, define and discuss the Kingdom of God, 19 and no one summary needs to be definitive. However the following definition of the Kingdom is helpful to me: The Kingdom of God is the progressive expansion of God’s life-giving rule over creation, until all things are under his perfect ruling authority.

This definition has three dimensions that make up the overall story of the Bible:

1. The Throne. Jesus re-takes his rightful place on the throne as King over all. “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever (Rev. 11.15).”

2. The Conquest. Jesus destroys his enemy, the devil, and casts him to eternal punishment, along with all who had followed the devil.


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