Jesus Cropped from the Picture

The Second Cropping Tool: Rationalism

mystery over Rationalism do not struggle with the problem of evil to the extent Americans do. In fact, I have observed the effect of Rationalism, where Christians, surprised by the emergence of tragedy, expressed various versions of belief in a logical progression: “I thought if I knew the Bible, followed Christian ethical standards, and prayed, blessings would come; A+B=C. I thought the Christian life was logical, predictable, and static.” Ed Murphy said Christians believe: “if they come to Christ, life will be pleasant from then on. All will go well. God will become their divine servant. He will provide all of their needs. ‘God wants to make you happy,’ they are told, ‘and is available to prosper you in life.’ If they don’t like their present job and want a better one, God will provide it. If they are sick, God will heal them. If they need a newer, more comfortable car, it is available for the asking.” 29 Life Does Not Work That Way The problem with these assumptions is that life is often illogical, unpredictable, and dynamic, which is bewildering to the Rationalistic mind. Christian faith is better understood as a conflict between two kingdoms; a battle in which believers are soldiers for Christ. Rick Wood warned of people who are not told about this reality: There will be tremendous confusion and disillusionment when the truth of this unknown spiritual reality breaks in upon their lives. It is like a person who buys a vacation package to the French Rivera expecting a wonderful time of fun and relaxation only to discover upon his arrival that there is open warfare taking place with bombs going off,


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