Jesus Cropped from the Picture

C o n t e n t s



Part One: This Provincial Life

13 19 23 31 41 49 59 69 75 83 91

Chapter 1: Why Is That Old Man Crying? Chapter 2: Cropping the Picture Chapter 3: The First Cropping Tool: Individualism Chapter 4: The Kingdom of God Chapter 5: The Second Cropping Tool: Rationalism Chapter 6: How Does It Apply to Me? Chapter 7: EPIC or SLIM? Chapter 8: Boredom and Busyness Chapter 9: I Don’t Feel Fed! Chapter 10: This Is Not Working for Me Chapter 11: The SLIMming Effect

Part Two: Do You Know Where You’re Going To?

105 113 123 135 143

Chapter 12: SLIM’s Shaping Forces Chapter 13: The Traditional Method Chapter 14: The Pragmatic Method Chapter 15: The Emerging Method Chapter 16: How Jesus Was Cropped from the Picture

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