Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Jesus Cropped from the Picture

Inside is where most of the opportunities for service exist, such as ushering, teaching, setting up communion, or managing the finances. These opportunities are located at the church itself ( inside ), and are done by a few specialists who have the greatest competence to carry them out. The few ministry activities that take place outside are often delegated to paid clergy or missionaries. The inside time investment is typically limited to three hours on a Sunday morning, two hours for a mid-week study or small group, and an hour of some other mid-week volunteer work at the church. Christians picture themselves “going to church” ( inside ), and “living life” ( outside ). Some people find this routine boring because they “punch the clock” each week, checking off their duties. However, the busy person finds the routine guilt-producing because there is always more that could be done: “I should do more at church; I should read my Bible and pray more; I should share my faith more.” Life becomes overwhelming because there is never enough time to fulfill their spiritual duties. EPIC While the inside and outside categories can be helpful, an EPIC perspective seeks to blur these distinctions, where Christians see themselves as ambassadors that represent Christ wherever they go, knowing their local congregation is “the agent of the Kingdom” in their community. This presents a wider array of ministry opportunities through work, leisure, hobbies, and relationships.


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