Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Jesus Cropped from the Picture
Also, those who are liberated from the tyranny of being “picky eaters” will find new levels of depth in Christ. “I don’t feel fed” will be replaced by, “I have never been so full!” SLIM questions can be replaced by EPIC exclamations: “We experienced God together. God became so much bigger tome—I forgot that his Kingdomdoes not begin and end withme. I feel more prepared to live for the sake of others!” This perspective gives hymns and choruses a new meaning because they are sung for the King, not for personal fulfillment. As Christ becomes central, preaching and music styles become secondary. Communion becomes a reminder of the coming King, who waits to share it with his Bride in the Kingdom fulfilled (Mark 14.25), not just a reminder of his death on the cross for me . Pastoral Burnout Keeping everyone happy and “feeling fed” is an impossible task. It is no wonder so many pastors burn out and leave the ministry. In many cases they are expected to be moral giants, fun to be with, open and available to everyone at all times, world-class presenters, excellent administrators, and insightful counselors. 59 In a therapeutic and entertainment-crazed culture, they are asked to do an impossible job, carrying a load that God never intended. Pastors of SLIM churches are dazed and confused about the purpose of the church, and they often feel guilty for their personal shortcomings. However, when church leaders view the church as the agent of the Kingdom, and mobilize the church as an outpost, they equip the saints for the work of Christ in the world. The natural result is refreshment, joy, and zeal.
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