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they may be shocked to re-discover the spiritual battle that was present all along, feeling ill-prepared to handle it.

Peacetime in the Military Without a common enemy, peacetime soldiers fight over trivial matters, often resenting one another. With a focus on self, complaints about the conditions of quarters, food, and command structure abound. There is stifling boredom and a longing for excitement. Without an outlet for innovation, creativity languishes. The longer soldiers live in peacetime, the deeper their roots go, making it difficult to deploy them to another assignment. In the church, peacetime Christians fight over trivial matters. They complain about the pastor, the preaching, the programs, or the comfort of the pews. If revival broke out in Libya and the elders asked for volunteers to go and strengthen the church there, most people would have roots that go so deep, they could not imagine giving up their lifestyle to leave home, even for a short time. Wartime Soldiers with a wartime footing have no time for fighting over trivia. Their identity is found in the group they represent, having a respect for the chain of command. They work hard to develop their skills so they can contribute to their unit, not for personal achievement. Because of their dangerous wartime environment, they innovate with dramatic creativity. They are vigilant, watching for surprises from the enemy, never assuming they are competent enough to act alone. They are ready to serve at a moment’s notice, and always available for re-deployment.


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