Jesus Cropped from the Picture

I n t r oduc t i on

America’s suburban churches, while proposing ways to enhance their spiritual vibrancy.

Part One: This Provincial Life describes my analysis of the decline of the American church over the past few decades, as it slowly reduced from participation in Christ’s Kingdom Story , to a system oriented to the personal needs of the Self . This system is too narrow and constraining (provincial) to maintain enthusiasm, producing Christians suffering from boredom, burnout, or despondency. Part Two: Do You KnowWhere You’re Going To? represents my perspective of how this self-oriented system was formed by the blending of American marketing principles and the good intentions of believers seeking to advance the cause of Christ. This system took shape in three contemporary methods, each seeking to re-invigorate the church: Traditional , Pragmatic , and Emerging . Part Three: Back to the Future explains how methods to build the church ultimately crop Jesus from the big picture of Scripture. The best way to restore Christians to vibrant faith is to recapture the Church’s identity as “People of the Story” by re-connecting to our sacred roots , articulated in the Great Tradition. I am indebted to Rev. Dr. Don Davis, Director of The Urban Ministry Institute, and fellow World Impact Vice President. His vision and tutelage framed my understanding, so this book is simply my testimony of his teaching as it has been borne out in my experience over several years.


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