Jésus coupé de l’image
Jésus coupé de l’image
16 Drive Through Church , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4QFKS4LzS4 . 17 DeYoung, James, and Sarah Hurty. Beyond the Obvious . Gresham, OR: Vision House Publishing, 1995, pages 83-84. 18 Ed Murphy fournit un commentaire intéressant et complet, livre par livre, sur le rôle du diable dans la Bible. Murphy, Ed. The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare . Nashville, TN : Thomas Nelson Publishers, Inc, 2003. 19 Un excellent point de départ serait Ladd, George. The Gospel of the Kingdom . Grand Rapids, MI : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., réimprimé en 1999. 20 Snyder, Howard. The Community of the King . Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004, page 65. 21 Murphy, Ed. The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare . See also Matt. 4:1-11 ; 10:1, Lc. 10:1-20 ; 11:20-22, Rom. 8:34, 1 Cor. 15:17-21, Col. 2:14-15, Hé. 2:17-18, 7:25, 1Jn 2:1-2, Ap. 19:11-21. 22 Webber, Robert. Ancient Future Worship . Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2008, page 143. 23 Aalen, Gustaf. Christus Victor . Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 1931. 24 Webber, Robert. Ancient Future Faith . Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2008, pages 25, 44. 25 Webber, Robert. Ancient Future Faith , page 41. 26 Curtis, Brent et John Eldredge. The Sacred Romance . Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, Inc., 1997, page 81. 27 DeYoung and Hurty. Beyond the Obvious , page 88. 28 Dudley, Guilford. The Recovery of Christian Myth . Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishing. The Westminster Press, 1967, pages 1-58. 29 Murphy, Ed. The Handbook of Spiritual Warfare , page 90. 30 Wood, Rick. Are We Proclaiming a Defective Gospel?, page 10. 31 Schaeffer, Francis. T he Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer, Volume 2: Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History , Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1975, page 210.
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