Let God Arise!



mission agencies, or denominational thrusts could overcome the depth of the dark forces holding city folk in enslaving discouragement. Our decades of faithful work in the city had produced very little fruit, and the vast numbers of doomed folk continued to climb, with- out abatement. The Lord Most High alone needed to come and visit the city. Only God could change hearts, open doors, free communities, and liberate municipal- ities from the devil’s oppression, and lead people into the triumph of Christ. We were convinced. So, thirteen years ago we launched a prayer movement dedicated to the liberation of the cities of the world, and we called it Let God Arise!, based on Psalm 68.1-10. Our hearts were joined by a single conviction, an overriding belief that unless the Lord visited the great cities of the world, they would never be won. Only a visitation from the Lord himself, awakening his people and advancing his Kingdom, could possibly make a difference among so many millions of people suffering under the tyranny of the enemy. As happy explorers in intercessory prayer, we set off years ago, together. And now, thirteen years later, our hearts remain stalwart and clear; without God’s direct display of his saving power and supply, all the work of Christian churches, missionaries, and workers will be futile. God must arise, scatter his enemies, and

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